Nekustamais īpašums un būvniecība Baltijā 2025
XXVIII conference "Real estate and construction in the Baltics 2025"
XXVIII conference "Sustainable real estate and construction in the Baltics 2025: challenges and opportunities"
How is the real estate sector adapting to sustainability requirements and the European Green Deal? What does sustainable real estate mean, and what are the main factors influencing its development? How is buyer behavior changing when purchasing real estate in the Baltics? Will real estate buyers switch to the low-rise residential housing market? Problems in Baltic metropolitan areas, such as the empty Riga city center.
How do banks make decisions about financing real estate projects? What will be the significance of a construction company's reliability and its reputation, backed by a strong brand?
In the context of rising inflation, real estate is positioned as a reliable capital preservation instrument. What will be the investment climate in commercial real estate, and how to prevent its cooling down?
These and other topical industry issues will be discussed at the conference "Sustainable Real Estate and Construction in the Baltics 2025: challenges and opportunities" in Riga, on April 11, 2025.
Topics for discussion:
Developer business growth projects in the Baltics.
Developer and bank cooperation: yesterday, today, tomorrow.
What will happen to the supply in the Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian markets?
Sustainable construction standards, ESG reporting, urban planning, and how society can build a more environmentally friendly future.
What will happen not only to sales but also to construction quality, considering rising costs and labor shortages?
How can developers increase their business profitability by diversifying their portfolio, including commercial real estate?
Are new players expected to enter the real estate markets in the Baltic States?
Problems and solutions in the field of state-owned real estate.
What solutions could be offered to real estate market participants for the problem of the empty Riga city center?
Real estate as a consumer product or as an investment.
Will there continue to be demand for suburban housing?
The ideal real estate from the perspective of the consumer, developer, and investor.
Marketing competition: how to win it?
New "tricks" in customer orientation.