Nekustamais īpašums un būvniecība Baltijā 2009

april 28, 2009
Subject: Real Estate 2009

Very pleased to meet You and attend the Conference "Real Estate and Construction in the Baltics 2009: Markets, Development, Visions". It was really interesting and gave me some accurate view over the Latvia situation – and additional remarks and comparison of the Swedish crisis 90iea which and what occurring right now in both countries.

Thank you very much again!

Dag Klerfelt
 Ex-Secretary Valuation Board,
Ministry of Finance,
CEO Evidentia (Bad Banks Reconstruction Company), Sweden

April 28, 2009
Subject: Real Estate 2009

It was my pleasure to participate and, hopefully, we will have opportunities to co-operate again in the future.

Pekka Puolakka
Sorainen Riga Office, Partner, Latvia

TransBaltica 2008

June 19, 2008 
Subject: TransBaltica 2008

It was a pleasure for me to speak at your conference and I share the positive impression the guests had of your conference. It was very well organized and full of interesting contributions. I congratulate you for the wonderful event.

Alexander RENZ
M.Sc. in Transport & Maritime Management
EIA Project Manager

June 19, 2008 
Subject: TransBaltica 2008

Pateicos Jums par uzaicinājumu, un ļoti labu konferences organizēšanu.
Novēlu Jums turpmāk saglabāt tikpat augstu līmeni organizējot šādus pasākumus, kā arī gribas atzīmēt operativitāti jautājumu risināšanā!

ar cieņu,
Andis Ramza
Ekonomikas departaments
Mārketinga un pakalpojumu pārdošanas daļa
Mārketinga nodaļas vadītājs

June 17, 2008 
Subject: TransBaltica 2008

Огромное спасибо за все и в особенности за отличную организацию конференции И за радушный гостеприимный прием !!!

Обязательно будем и на следующий год !

До новых встреч,
Андрей Биров
Директор по маркетингу

June 16, 2008 
Subject: TransBaltica 2008

Спасибо за хорошую организацию конференции.

С уважением,
Сергей Федоров
Государственный Таможенный Комитет Республики Беларусь

June 16, 2008 

Subject: TransBaltica 2008

Благодарю Вас за предоставленную возможность выступления на конференции "ТрансБалтика 2008".

Конференция дала детальный анализ существующего транзита в Балтийском регионе, а также показала возможные перспективы для его развития.

Надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество с Рижской школой менеджеров, участие в работе организуемых Вами конференций.

С уважением,
Ольга Минина
Аналитик RPI

Buildings Energy Efficiency in the Baltics (BENEFIT)

ovember 28, 2006
Subject: BENEFIT

Many thanks for positive feedback and photos :-) - indeed it was a big pleasure to contribute to the event! I'm satisfied with the conference, I guess it was important milestone for more integrated approach to building energy efficiency in Baltic countries and delivered an opportunity to learn on ongoing initiatives in our governments, universities, institutes and industry. I hope you are interested in to continue with similar conferences in future and our ministry will be open to distribute information on building market and regulation in Estonia.

Best regards

Madis Laaniste
Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewables Division;
Energy Department;
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications;
Harju 11, 15072 Tallinn, ESTONIA;
phone: +372 6 256 497;
e-mail: madis.laaniste@mkm.ee

November 28, 2006
Subject: BENEFIT

Thanks to you for the invitation!

The conference was very well organized, congratulations!

Jana Cicmanova
Eiropas asociācijas “Energie-Cites” projektu menedžere

November 28, 2006
Subject: BENEFIT

Thanks RMS for this superb, perfectly organized event.

I hope also, that we will find possibilities to cooperate in the future!

Vytautas Martinaitis
Prof., habil. dr.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

November 27, 2006
Subject: BENEFIT

The conference was pretty organized and useful, there are no other words.

With the best regards

Jurate Karbauskaite, IAC

November 06, 2006
Subject: BENEFIT

Thank you for good reception in Riga!

Teet- Andrus Koiv

Tallinn University of Technology

Real Estate and Construction in the Baltic States 2007

April 20, 2007
Subject: Real Estate 2007

Paldies! Vēlos pateikties par labi noorganizētu konferenci.

Jānis Zelmenis
Deloitte Latvia partneris

April 20, 2007
Real Estate 2007

Thank you for the conference. I was truly a pleasure to attend this very well organized event.

Claus Soeby Madsen
Country Director
Member of the Board
KOBA Latvia

April 20, 2007
Real Estate 2007 

Thank you very much for your kind note, I am grateful. Prior to and during my visit, you were patient, helpful and very kind. I thoroughly enjoyed the visit to your lovely city. it was a privilege to be invited and to attend such an interesting event. 

Roger Flanagan
Professor of University of Reading, Member of the Board of Skanska Sweden, Halcrow Group, UK

April 20, 2007
Real Estate 2007

Спасибо всем организаторам конференции.
Всё было хорошо и прелестно.
Еще раз спасибо за хорошее сотрудничество. 

Steponas Deveikis
President of Lithuanian Association of Property Valuers, Deputy Head of Division, State Enterprise Centre of Registers, Lithuania

April 20, 2007
Real Estate 2007 

Neskatoties uz to, ka lielāko dienu biju satraukusies par savu uzstāšanos, piefiksēju, ka pasākums bija izdevies. Manuprāt, tas pateicoties labam organizatoriskajam darbam. 

Līga Vītola
Investīciju un attīstības nodaļas vadītāja
SIA Namu apsaimniekošana

April 20, 2007
Real Estate 2007 

Thank you very much for the conference. Really appreciated .
I was impressed by the professionality and the sheer size of the conference.
Looking forward to the next opportunity to share views and hoping that I will be able to attend more sessions then.

Best regards from Frankfurt
Tobias Just
Deutsche Bank Research

April 20, 2007
Real Estate 2007

It was a pleasure to attend and present and I took with me some highly valuable insights from other participants. Thanks to you for the invitation and kind help with organising all the practical arrangements. 


Ronald Albers
European Commission DG ECFIN

Investment in the Baltic Metropolitan Regions

August 31, 2006
Subject: Riga Forum 2006


Paldies par saturīgo un labi novadīto konferenci "Rīgas forums 2006".

Ilmārs Grīntāls
Rīgas dome
Pilsētas attīstības departaments
Ekonomikas pārvalde
Investīciju un attīstības projektu nodaļas
galvenais speciālis

August 31, 2006
Subject: Riga Forum 2006

Izcila organizētība! Paldies!

Valdis Truslis, Gints Birzietis


Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Akadēmija

August 31, 2006
Subject: Riga Forum 2006

Spasibo za konferenciju :) Udalas!

Alla Berjoza


Mārketinga vadītāja




August 31, 2006
Subject: Riga Forum 2006

I just want to let you know that everything went fine with the Baltic Challenge event in Riga last week, and that we are really pleased with your help and all arrangements. Anyway, I send you my deepest thanks for everything. It was a pleasure to work with you!

Best wishes,


Maria Hines



Project Manager Batic Challange

August 31, 2006
Subject: Riga Forum 2006

I want to say a Big Thanks for You from our group who were visiting Riga last weekend. They all returned back with good impressions.

With best wishes

Jurga Naimaviciene

Professor of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

August 31, 2006
Subject: Riga Forum 2006


Paldies par lieliski organizēto konferenci. Patiesi labi ziņojumi, kas uzskatāmi raksturoja situāciju Baltijā.

Lai Jums veicas,

Laila Ozolina
Strategic Development
Ltd. "Jaunie Projekti"

Mergers & Acquisitions in the Baltic States

Monday, February 27, 2006
Subject: M&A conference in Riga

Уважаемые господа!

Со своей стороны благодарю Вас за приглашение принять участие на конференции.

Хотел бы отметить содержательность выступлений, позволивших получить хорошее представление о состоянии и тенденциях M&A в странах Прибалтики. Проведенный форум показался интересным и с точки зрения состава участников, общение с которыми позволило расширить круг деловых контактов.

Особенно хотел бы подчеркнуть прекрасную организацию мероприятия.

Уверен, что и в последующем конференции на аналогичную тематику будут вызывать повышенный интерес, и выражаю готовность принимать в них активное участие.

С уважением,

Владимир Левыкин.
Начальник отдела управленческого консалтинга
Компания «Технологии Корпоративного Управления».

New City in the Old Walls: Housing Construction

November 10, 2005

Subject: Riga Forum 2005

Dear organizers of the conference

Thank you for the very interesting conference.

Best regards,
Mirja Adler
Head of Housing Division

November 07, 2005
Subject: Riga Forum 2005 


Liels paldies par labajiem vārdiem un fotogrāfijām.

Cerot uz turpmāku sadarbību,

Ar cieņu, Ivars Gaters
Ivars Gaters
Rīgas domes
Komunālo un dzīvokļu jautājumu komitejas priekšsēdētājs

November 04, 2005
Subject: Riga Forum 2005

Dear RMS Forum Staff,

Thank you for the feedback!

 It was very stimulating and interesting for me to participate in the International conference in Riga last week. Especially I appreciated to be met with such kind treatment from you and your colleges in the staff.

Vänliga hälsningar!
Best greetings!
Anders Mattsson
Senior Adviser and Chief Negotiator at the Swedish Union of Tenants, Sweden

October 30, 2005 
Subject: Riga Forum 2005

Dear organizers of the conference,

Thanks to you personally and to the whole group of skillful workers. The seminar was organize in an excelent way. You are professionalists. Fine to notice once again that the City of Riga and its partners like Riga Forum wants to market Riga as a clever and dynamic place which wants also to change experineces with other cities and states.

Jussi Kautto                       
Project Manager                    
City of Helsinki            
Economic and Planning Centre

October 26, 2005
Subject: Riga Forum 2005

Dear Friends, 

Back home safely last night after a very good trip. Riga is a fine city and I am grateful to the Riga Forum organisers for the chance to visit it again

I think you collected feedback from the conference. It is always helpful to me to know how my contributions are received so any feedback you have for me would be helpful. By the way I completely forgot to collect the books you had for me. I hope you will be able to send them by post

Hope you have recovered from your cold!
Best wishes
Mary Taylor, Stirling University, UK

October 24, 2005
Subject: Riga Forum 2005

Dear colleagues,

after having returned safely home, I am writing to you to thank you for the excellent organization of the meeting and your kindness towards me as well as for looking so well after me. Everything went smoothly and the stay in Riga was pleasant. The meeting was interesting and I learned a lot and met people which enriched my knowledge.

Thanks again and my best regards
Christina von Schweinichen
Deputy Director
UNECE Environment and Human Settlements Division

Real Estate and Construction in the Baltic States 2005

Monday, April 18, 2005 
Subject:  Real Estate and Construction in the Baltics 2005

Dear organizers of the conference, 


thank you for your kind message and the photos from the Conference of 15 April. I keep an excellent memory of that event. I was particularly impressed by the high degree of professionalism in the organisation of the Conference and by the hospitality of the organisers and the RMS management staff. I was pleased that the audience followed my presentation with interest on a subject that was not familiar to everybody. During the coffee breaks and at the evening reception I had the pleasure to talk to a number of participants. Having come to Riga for the first time, I also took the opportunity to visit the historic centre. I really admire the beauty and the atmosphere of the city - and also the effort and the ambition with which people proceed with reconstruction and economic reform. I would hope to stay in touch with RMS and would welcome any opportunity for further co-operation.  

Yours sincerely, Georg M. Busch
Head of Unit
Economies of the Member States I: Germany, Estonia, Austria, Portugal, Finland
DG Economic and Financial Affairs
European Commission